How to De-Stress in a Holiday Mess!

Holiday De-Stress

How to De-Stress in a Holiday Mess!

Every year, it gets worse. Time gets away from me. I’m responsible for more, my kids are even busier, and I have more people on my shopping list (seriously—stop getting married, people). I have to ask myself, do I even enjoy Christmas anymore? The last thing I want is another job to do. When I was younger, the magic of Christmas could not be described. The lights, excitement, family, and the warm, fuzzy feelings…it’s all replaced now with stress, holiday road rage, and the tick tock of a rushed clock. It feels like work and I don’t look forward to work—I look forward to after work. And what do I do after work? I de-stress, of course. This year, I’ll find the magic again with a few simple steps to get me through—body, mind, and holiday spirit. Read on to get tips on how to de-stress in a holiday mess!

A Guide to Holiday De-Stressing!

If I can’t feel my best, none of it is worth it. That’s what I’ve decided, which has led me to put together a holiday stress guide—How to De-stress in a Holiday Mess. I’ve pulled out the big guns, searched far and wide, and naturally, I tested them on myself:
(Duh) Plan Ahead: I’ll do this next year. I’ve already made a schedule of reminders for 2020 and put it into my calendar. September 1: Start thinking of Dad’s gift. November 15: Hubby went to the UP to hunt; spend away!
Essential Oils: This is my go-to for just about every emergency known to man. When the holidays have you in a mood, lemon oil or any kind of citrus can be an uplifting touch. Diffuse it or just rub it in your hands and take a big whiff. For times when you just need to wind down, lavender oil will put you at ease. I like to rub it on the bottom of my feet or temples. When the lavender doesn’t do the trick, it’s time to bust out the frankincense. If that doesn’t work, perhaps it’s time for an exorcism.
Yoga/Meditation: I always feel better after a session with my yoga instructor, Jules. During the holidays, I go as much as possible. Time is of the essence, though, and I do know that some people just can’t fit an extra hour into their schedule. If you can’t get to yoga more than once per week, meditate on your own. Take as much time as you can and give this to yourself. There are guided meditations on just about every music streaming service known to man. Find one. It can be a minute or an hour—you choose. You can be in a quiet room or driving in your car. You can chant, breathe, gaze, visualize…whatever gives you peace. Meditation is about quieting the mind, soothing the spirit, and observing the breath and body. Everyone should meditate at least once per day.
Sunlight: We take time to smell the roses, right? While there are no roses here in Michigan at this time of year, there are rare gifts of sunlight. When those rays of natural light shine through your office or kitchen window, bask in them! It doesn’t matter where you are. Take a few minutes and stand under the rays. Close your eyes—unless you’re driving. Bask with your eyes open, if you’re driving.
Be Grateful: The point is to take a minute to be grateful. You’re alive. You have a family to love and love you in return, even though they’re stressing you out at the moment. You have breath in your lungs and sun on your face. Be grateful!
Walk/Jog: Yes, unless you live in the glorious South, winter means that it’s cold. That brisk air can be refreshing, though. Try a nice, 30 minute, wintry stroll to bring balance to your heart, body, and soul. Bring a loved one, hold hands and talk about your day. Do you want to be alone? That’s fine, too. I do my best head-clearing during a good run. Studies have shown that 30 minutes per day of walking or running can tranquilize the brain, improve sleep, and decrease anxiety. And, hello, it also gets rid of the jiggly parts on your body. Who doesn’t want that?
Squeeze: I’ve just started this, but I think we should all test it out together. I trust all things Chinese, from food to medicine. Whatever they tell me to do, I do. There’s a fleshy part between your thumb and index finger. In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s called the hoku spot. Applying firm pressure there for 30 seconds can reduce stress and tension in your upper body. So, when we find ourselves getting honked at by an angry driver with her car dressed up like Rudolph (totally happened to me last week), or when an angry man is yelling at the poor cashier at Macy’s, let’s all stop, squeeze our hokus for 30 seconds, and breathe. We’ll all report back to each other next year.
Keep Your Schedule: Is there something that you do every week that makes you happy? Art class, book club, massage, nail salon, yoga class, cycle, lunch with a friend? Don’t skip it. Keep that on your schedule, locked and loaded. If it’s something that makes you happy, this is the time of year to make sure you keep that plan.
Volunteer/Donate: Last year, my holiday spirit was down for the count. I really couldn’t get into it and I don’t know why. Life is good. I have so much that I’m grateful for, and yet, I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t feel the way I was supposed to feel. You know, like Tiny Tim, Susan Walker, or all the Who’s in Whoville. I didn’t hear Bing Crosby all day long, and I was dreading putting up the Christmas tree. Something was missing and I found it like a big cliché on a cork board at church. The following weekend, I was delivering laundry baskets full of all the Thanksgiving fixings and necessities to struggling families. I got about twenty hugs and a lot of teary-eyed thank you’s that lit up my heart like Rudolph’s very shiny nose.
Put the Phone Down: Leave your phone upstairs, turn it off, step away. This is the only way you can be in the moment. I swear, I go on Facebook and two hours later I’m looking at wedding photos of a friend of a friend’s cousin like the biggest stalker ever. What have I gained in those two lost hours? Nothing. What did I lose? Time with my family, time for me, time for a relaxing bath, good conversation with a friend…all the things I should have been doing with those two hours. Now I just feel slimy. My head hurts from all the technology, and it’s bedtime. Total waste.


It matters—all the time—what we put in our bodies. Food doesn’t just affect our midsections. It affects our overall health, including our moods. Sugar is the biggest culprit when it comes to the holiday blues. Pay attention after you indulge in that wine, those cookies and frosting, that fudge, or those little chocolate delights. How do you feel? Angry? Buzzed? Sad? Yes, to all those things. Sugar is addictive. It causes inflammation, bloat, a weakened immune system, anxiety and irritability. Just wait until January when you begin your diet. That withdrawal’s going to be a real good time—said no one ever.
Now, I don’t live in Lala Land or Nutritional Heaven (although I wish I did). If you must indulge, get creative in your cooking and find yummy alternatives because they do exist! Choose healthier options to sweeten up your baked goods like dates, coconut sugar, stevia, and honey. Choose the gluten free flour (all year round). During the week, eat a nice mixture of healthy fats, fiber, and protein to leave room for those weekend holiday parties. Say thank you and then re-gift that fudge Mary left on your porch. She won’t know. And it’s okay to pass on the candy and cookies Barbara brought into the office. Barbara will forgive you.

Be Good to Yourself and the Holiday Season Will Be Good to You and Yours!
When all is said and done, I think the most important part of the holidays is to recapture that magical feeling with loved ones. It doesn’t have to go away just because we’re adulting. The roles have just changed. When I’m stressed, it’s work. That’s why it’s so important to take a step back and remember to breathe during this time of year. Don’t count down the days—let them come to you. Remember that you have more than others and be grateful, but take the time to be good to yourself, too. Check in with your mind, body, and soul every day, and enjoy your holiday season. After all, it only comes once a year!


Written By:  Adrian Schirr, Nuview Nutrition Business Development Manager/Writer
Adrian graduated from Oakland University with a BA in Writing and English. Her desire to lead a healthier life began when she was introduced to the extraordinary benefits of essential oils. This is what ultimately led her to Nuview Nutrition, where her life was changed for the healthier! Since then, her need to share what she’s learned has only grown and can be seen in each Clarkston News article and blog she writes. When she isn’t writing, she’s on her boat cruising the sparkling waters of Lake Orion with her family or watching her son play football.

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