Amazing Dark Chocolate Benefits

dark chocolate benefits

Amazing Dark Chocolate Benefits

Chocolate is probably by far one of the most popular guilty pleasures worldwide., whether the choice is dark chocolate or milk chocolate. With Halloween right around the corner, stores will packed full of chocolate confections to tempt even the most jaded consumer. Many prefer eating milk chocolate, which is the most common form of chocolate and used not only in retail chocolate bars, but also in chocolate-based desserts and dishes.  Too much milk chocolate can cause obesity; but did you know that it can be linked to disorders like diabetes and heart disease? What many don’t know is that there are amazing dark chocolate benefits to be had with moderate consumption and being choosy about ingredients.

Why are there so many dark chocolate benefits?  It contains a higher ratio of cacao, which is the basis for chocolate and is a powerful antioxidant. In comparison, milk chocolate has a lesser amount of cacao which is made up for by substituting with milk powder and other additives that make it the sweet addictive product it is. Dark chocolate, particularly that which is 75-80% cacao, has a stronger, more bitter taste; it typically isn’t as sweet as milk chocolate. Here are some interesting health facts about dark chocolate.

1.  Dark Chocolate is a Good Source of Minerals, according to Authority Nutrition
It’s true! Though it might be hard to believe that chocolate could be beneficial, dark chocolate contains significant amounts of iron, magnesium, copper and potassium.

2.  Dark Chocolate is filled with Anti-Oxidants, according to Prevention magazine
Antioxidants help scavenge damaging free radicals from our bodies. Dark Chocolate is high in antioxidants called flavonoids. A study published in The Lancet showed that chocolate contained four times as much catechin, a type of flavonoid, as tea.

3.  Dark Chocolate Strengthens your Teeth, according to Dr. Brit Phillips
Dark chocolate contains threobromine, a compound useful for strengthening tooth enamel, assuming proper dental hygiene is followed. Unlike other sweet food items that we consume, dark chocolate actually promotes dental health!

4.  Dark Chocolate can Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes, according to
This is surprising, isn’t it? It has been shown that the flavonoids in dark chocolate actually help insulin (the hormone that controls blood sugar levels in our body) work better and prevent resistance of its action. This resistance can lead to Type 2 diabetes.

5.  Dark Chocolate is good for your heart, according to Cleveland Clinic
Various studies have shown that cacao is very effective in reducing our blood pressure when eaten three times per week.  Dark chocolate improves blood flow and may help prevent the formation of blood clots. Eating dark chocolate may also prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

6.  Dark Chocolate is good for your brain too, according to Psychology Today
Dark chocolate helps increase the blood flow to your brain, which can help improve your cognitive function. It has also been studied that dark chocolate reduces the risk of strokes. Dark chocolate also contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on your mood and cognitive health. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same chemical your brain creates when you feel like you’re falling in love. This encourages your brain to release endorphins, so eating dark chocolate will make you feel happier.

Makes you want to run to the market to hoard some dark chocolate, doesn’t it? Remember, even a healthy choice can be bad if you consume too much; dark chocolate’s benefits can be obtained by 3-4 servings a week. Try to find an organically-sourced dark chocolate that is at least 70% cacao content for best health and less trick, with more treat!

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    Linda A Frisch
    Posted at 15:35h, 16 October Reply

    Love my dark chocolate but sure have to exercise self restraint! Thanks for the references.

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